Summary Plan Descriptions (SPD's) are at the bottom of the page.

Preferred Dental Program  (PDP): MetLife - - 800 998-8331

401k Fidelity - - 888 457-9333

 Davis Vision - - 800 999-5431

Laser Correction - - 877 999-7006

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - 800 845-0632

All other benefits: Hewitt* - - 877 275-8947

​*(To view beneficiary info for basic life and pension you must use the toll free number. Also available on the eweb.)

If you have problems with FMLA or your benefits the following people are the experts to call in District 2.

Sickness and Disability Absence, Family Medical Leave Absence, and Metlife related issues:

AT&T Benefits

Credit Union

Credit Union is not a union benefit, the link was requested by members


Communications Workers of America
 Local 2107